LED Lighting
LED uses 10% of the energy used by a comparable incandescent light bulb and has NO MERCURY.
LED's are now the most efficient commercial light source on the planet. They are 10 times more efficient than incandescent bulbs and more than twice as efficient as fluorescent bulbs. When the reduced maintenance and replacement costs are considered, we find that LED's can save up to 80% on lighting costs. An LED retrofit will instantly cut lighting electrical costs by 50-80%. LED lighting pays for itself within 6 months to 2 years, then for the remaining life of the bulb (typically up to 20 years) all of the energy saved goes to the bottom line.
In the commercial sector more than half of the energy for lighting is used most during periods of peak electrical demand. The heat from this lighting contributes to a building's internal heat generation, which in turn increases the air-conditioning load. LED lamps provide an instant savings on the largest single drain on your electric meter. Not only are you reducing the energy needed for lighting but additional energy savings is realized with less heat output from the lamps resulting in a lower internal temperature for you HVAC system to work around.
Maintenance costs are reduced to zero when you lamps are warranted for 10 years. Imagine the amount of time your maintenance staff will have to refocus their valuable energy as our lighting solutions eliminate calls to replace burned out or flickering lamps. In addition, there is no need to worry about accidental breakage of the lamps. There are no harmful mercury vapors to contend with and hence no loss of time due to hazardous materials cleans up protocols.
Benefits of LEDs:
- Less expensive to power
- Lasts longer: extremely long life span (30,000-100,000 hours)
- Durable, insensitive to vibration
- No mercury: unlike florescent bulbs and tubes
- Dimmable and programmable
- Super-fast turn-on, unlike compact fluorescents
- Lightweight and compact
- Directed light is more efficient use of light
- Color, without the use of filters and lenses