InfiniteENERGY negotiates and manages engineering, procurement and construction activities on a variety of energy projects. INFINITEENERGY principals have extensive experience in EPC activities with major global industrial companies. INFINITEENERGY is now negotiating EPC Agreements for multiple PV solar and wind projects that exceed 150MW.Offering a full spectrum of design-build/EPC services, InfiniteENERGYis one of the most diversified contractors in the industry. Our seasoned professionals have extensive experience on projects of complex size and scope throughout the world. We provide state-of-the-art technologies and world-class project management skills, combined with InfiniteENERGY's proven business consulting and industry-leading safety programs, to ensure a competitive price, schedule certainty and long-term value on our clients' most challenging projects.
INFINITEENERGY offers comprehensive construction services to the energy market, including power generation, power delivery, maintenance and outage services, facility betterment/retrofit.
Project management is the driving force behind the successful completion of all our projects. We execute projects on a lump-sum or design-build/EPC contract basis. Our full-scope EPC projects utilize a wide variety of commercial formats to ease the need for additional management resources to oversee project implementation.
Our design-build/EPC services encompass:
- Detailed Design Engineering
- Procurement and Expediting
- Safety and Health
- Startup and Training
- Quality Control/Quality Assurance